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Olga Wolska-Płonka

How to build UX maturity within the organisation

Today we will discuss how to build UX maturity within an organisation. It covers what UX maturity is, how to assess it, and ways to increase it. We will touch on the importance of establishing a user-centred design culture, building a dedicated UX team, aligning with business goals, integrating UX into the organisation's processes, measuring and communicating the impact of UX, and continuously improving.

By following these strategies, organisations can create products and services that truly resonate with their target audience, drive user satisfaction, and ultimately achieve business success.

What it is and why is it important

UX maturity in organisations is vital because it directly impacts customer satisfaction, competitive advantage, and business success. By prioritising user-centred design practices, organisations can create exceptional experiences that delight customers and set them apart from competitors. It leads to increased conversion rates, customer retention, and cost savings by identifying and addressing usability issues early on. Additionally, it fosters innovation, enhances brand perception, and boosts employee engagement and efficiency. In a nutshell, investing in UX maturity is a strategic approach that drives positive outcomes and ensures long-term success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

User Experience maturity refers to the level of proficiency and integration of user experience practices within an organisation. It measures how effectively an organisation understands, values, and incorporates user-centred design principles and processes into its products, services, and overall business strategy.

How to assess the maturity

To assess an organisation's UX maturity, a thorough evaluation process should be implemented. Diverse assessment methods should be incorporated to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of user experience. To perform such an assessment, various methods can be used:

  • Employee interviews about their work practices,

  • analysing processes that take place,

  • auditing the tools used and peoples tasks,

  • checking the deliverables,

  • also, it is good to send out questionnaires across the organisation.

You can think of UX maturity as a progression model with multiple levels. My favourite model for assessing UX maturity within an organization is the Norman Nielsen UX maturity model, which consists of six stages.


In certain circumstances, a company may fall into one of three categories with regard to UX:

  • They may be unaware of its significance,

  • believe they can function effectively without it,

  • or acknowledge its importance but lack the resources to give it a priority.

The company's operational framework may not incorporate user-centred thinking at all. The concept of UX may not be included in the company's plans or integrated into its overarching vision. Individuals within the organisation who appreciate the importance of considering users may be ignored or marginalised.


At the beginning of implementing user experience methods, an organisation may demonstrate sporadic efforts in this area. These small attempts at UX are usually driven by individual efforts, legal requirements, or an experimental team that ventures into UX methods. Although the organization may exhibit some level of UX consciousness through occasional UX activities, these endeavours are not consistently carried out or effectively integrated into strategic planning. UX remains a low priority, with no formal acknowledgement of user experience as a distinct discipline and no dedicated roles, processes, or budget allocated specifically for UX purposes.


In the early stages of UX maturity, organizations show an increased involvement in UX across multiple teams. They engage in some UX-related planning and allocate budgets specifically for UX purposes. However, the UX efforts remain limited in scale, lacking stability, and are primarily driven by individual manager initiatives rather than established organisational policies. Certain teams that use various research and design methods and conduct multiple research studies may start witnessing the benefits and outcomes of their endeavours. Within early-stage organizations, there are individuals fulfilling UX roles, but their numbers are insufficient, and they may not possess the appropriate skill set. At this stage, organizations are still focused on demonstrating the value and impact of UX. Widespread and systematic UX processes are not yet established. Although some leaders recognise the importance of usability and advocate for it, when faced with tradeoffs, UX is often the first to be compromised. UX has yet to be prioritized as a fundamental strategic element.


In a UX-focused work environment, there is a clear appreciation for the value of UX. Dedicated teams, often comprised of multiple groups, are established, indicating a structured approach. The organisation's leadership is actively supportive of UX initiatives and sometimes incorporates them into high-level strategies. A unified definition of design exists, and teams collaborate on a human-centred design process that is iterative and inclusive. User research plays a significant role throughout the product lifecycle. However, politics and miscommunication can occasionally result in mismanaged resources and unnecessary spending on areas or products that do not require extensive UX efforts.


In the stage of integrated UX, all teams within the organisation consistently engage in efficient and effective UX-related activities. This results in UX efforts becoming comprehensive, pervasive, and universal. Moreover, this stage fosters innovation in UX methods and processes, which can potentially contribute to the wider field of UX. The organisation's leaders prioritise key success metrics that have a strong focus on UX or are even driven by UX-related work. Integrated UX is the desired stage that most organisations should strive to attain. At this stage, UX work effectively aligns with and serves the organisation’s business goals. While it may not always be sustainable, it is important to prioritise the needs of users over business goals at the subsequent level.


The most advanced stage of user experience (UX) is user-driven, which has become the norm in some organisations. However, only a select few companies have achieved this level of UX maturity. At this stage, an organisation has fully embraced user-centred design, and it has become habitual, reproducible, and cherished. The organisation prioritises user needs, and the development process incorporates iterative design with a strong focus on user satisfaction. Leaders, teams, and individuals adopt a user-centred approach in all aspects of their work, from strategic decision-making to the smallest design elements or research studies. These organisations proactively plan for change and foster innovation with UX as a guiding principle. It's important to note that achieving UX maturity is not a linear path, as it depends on various factors such as industry, resources, and leadership support. Higher levels of maturity require dedicated resources, skilled professionals, organizational support, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

How to assess the maturity

Establishing a culture of user-centred design:

To establish a user-centred design culture, organizations must prioritize users' needs and perspectives at all levels. This involves fostering a mindset that values user-centric thinking across the board. Involving users in the design process through research and testing becomes a habitual practice, ensuring their insights shape design solutions. Providing education and training opportunities empowers employees to develop their UX skills and fosters a continuous learning environment. By nurturing this culture, organisations create products and services that truly resonate with users, driving satisfaction and business success.

Let's make user-centred design a company-wide adventure!

Build a dedicated UX team:

Creating a specialised UX team is a game-changer for organisations. By allocating resources and forming a dedicated group, this team prioritise user research, design user-friendly products, and advocate for user needs. UX team plays a critical role throughout the product lifecycle, employing methodologies like usability testing and iterative design to incorporate user feedback. By fostering a culture that values the user and collaborating cross-functionally, they create a customer-focused organisation that delivers exceptional experiences. Investing in a dedicated UX team ensures user insights are consistently integrated, leading to improved product outcomes, higher satisfaction, and a competitive edge.

Let's assemble the dream team for extraordinary user experiences!

Understand business goals:

Delivering an exceptional user experience goes beyond meeting user needs—it requires aligning with the organisation’s business objectives. A holistic approach ensures that user insights translate into practical outcomes that support the company's overall strategy. UX designers, by considering business goals, create experiences that meet user expectations and contribute to the organisation’s mission. This alignment fosters a harmonious relationship between user needs and business objectives, driving engagement, customer loyalty, and the company's success.

Let's measure business outcomes for optimal results!

Integrate UX into the organisation’s processes:

Integrating UX into the organisation’s processes is key to unlocking the full potential of user-centred design. This means incorporating UX considerations at every stage of the product lifecycle, from planning to post-launch iterations. Involving UX professionals early on allows them to shape the product strategy, align it with user needs, and address potential issues. Providing the UX team with the necessary resources, support, and authority is vital for seamless integration.

Allocating time and budget for UX activities and fostering collaboration among cross-functional teams ensures effective communication and goal alignment. By integrating UX, decision-making becomes informed by user insights, and user-centric design becomes ingrained in the organisation’s DNA.

Let's weave UX into every process for exceptional results!

Measure and communicate the impact of UX:

As you can read in the Smashing’s Magazine, measuring and communicating the impact of UX is crucial for organisations to understand how user-centred design benefits their business goals. Establishing relevant metrics and KPIs allows for quantifying the impact of UX on outcomes like user satisfaction, conversion rates, customer retention, and overall business performance. These metrics provide valuable insights, enabling data-driven decisions and identifying areas for improvement. Regular monitoring and analysis gauge the success of UX initiatives and drive optimisation for better user experiences and business results.

Effective communication of the UX impact to stakeholders and leadership is equally important. Clear reports, success stories, and data-driven evidence articulate the value of UX work, building support, and fostering a culture that recognises its contributions. Demonstrating the connections between UX efforts and business objectives ensures ongoing support, resources, and investment in UX for continuous improvement and exceptional experiences.

Let's measure, communicate, and elevate the impact of UX in our organisation!

Continuously improve:

To keep your UX efforts effective and cutting-edge, embracing continuous improvement is vital. Regularly assessing and enhancing your UX procedures and methodologies is key. Gather feedback from stakeholders and users through surveys, testing, and other channels. Utilise this feedback to guide future UX initiatives, ensuring ongoing relevance and value.

Establish a structured process for monitoring and analysing UX metrics like conversion rates, bounce rates, and user engagement. Identify areas for improvement using these metrics, refining your UX strategy and delivering superior experiences.

Stay updated with the latest UX design trends and best practices by attending conferences, reading industry publications, and building professional networks.

Let's embrace continuous improvement for exceptional UX that keeps users delighted and engaged!


UX maturity is a critical factor in delivering exceptional user experiences and achieving business success. Organizations can assess their UX maturity by evaluating their user-centric design practices and processes. To increase it you should establish a culture of user-centered design, build a dedicated UX team, understand business goals, integrate UX into all the processes, measure and communicate the impact of UX, and continuously improve.

Follow these strategies to create products and services that truly resonate with your target audience, drive user satisfaction, and ultimately achieve business success.


Related topics:

Research on a budget - How to do research with limited resources

UX-CX collaboration - Make your teams work together

Investing in UX - Why UX is important and how it actually saves you money


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