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  • Olga Wolska-Płonka

Measuring Engagement and Satisfaction

In today's world, where options are abundant, a business's success relies on keeping users engaged and content. To achieve this, two key factors are crucial: engaging customers and ensuring their satisfaction. As technology is rapidly evolving and preferences are constantly shifting, businesses must comprehend how customers are using their products and whether they enjoy them. These insights are more than just statistics; they reflect customers' emotions and offer valuable cues for enhancing products. Therefore, paying close attention to customer involvement and satisfaction forms a strong foundation for a prosperous business. This not only fosters customer loyalty but also generates positive word-of-mouth, leading to increased revenue and expansion.

Understanding Engagement and Satisfaction

91% of unhappy customers who are non-complainers simply leave.”

Customer engagement refers to the extent of participation and interaction that users have with a product or service. It encompasses more than just clicks and taps, including factors such as time spent on a platform, how often they visit, and the depth of their interactions.

Satisfaction, on the other hand, focuses on the emotional side of the user experience. It reflects how pleased users are with the product's functionality, design, and ease of use. Engagement and satisfaction are closely connected, as engaged users usually have higher satisfaction levels, and satisfied users are more likely to remain engaged.

The Importance of Measuring Engagement and Satisfaction

“77% of customers would recommend a brand to a friend after having a single positive experience.

It's important to measure user engagement and satisfaction to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your product and how well it meets user expectations. With this information, you can make informed decisions to improve the user experience, add features, and address any issues.

For example, let's take a fitness app. Keeping track of metrics like the number of workouts completed, average time spent on the app, and social sharing of achievements can indicate high user engagement. Additionally, analyzing user feedback and survey responses can provide insight into their satisfaction levels and help identify areas that need improvement.

Six Key Metrics for User Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction:

Is a measure of how happy or content customers are with a product, service, or experience provided by a business or organisation. To gauge customer satisfaction, businesses commonly use surveys or feedback forms that ask customers to rate their experience using a numerical scale or qualitative questions. The most frequently used scale ranges from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating "Very Unsatisfied" and 5 indicating "Very Satisfied." By averaging the scores, companies can gain valuable insights into their performance in meeting customer expectations and identify areas for improvement. However, it's important to note that while CSAT is a useful metric, it's often combined with other metrics like NPS and CES to obtain a comprehensive understanding of customer sentiment and experiences. When to use: to check and improve the ease of interaction; to streamline processes, improve self-service options, and enhance the overall customer journey; to predict users’ loyalty, as users who have to exert less effort are more likely to stay with a company, make repeat purchases, and recommend the company to others; in combination with other metrics like CSAT or NPS to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the customer experience.

Example of CSAT from Apple

Customer Effort Score:

It measures the level of effort that customers need to put in when interacting with a product, service, or support system. The idea behind CES is that the easier it is for customers to achieve their goals or resolve their issues, the more satisfied they will be with their overall experience. CES is commonly measured using surveys or feedback forms. These surveys typically ask customers a question that assesses the amount of effort they had to exert during a recent interaction. For example, the question might be, "On a scale from 'Very Low Effort' to 'Very High Effort,' how much effort did you have to put in to [complete a certain task or resolve an issue]?" The scale is usually numerical, ranging from 1 to 7, with higher numbers indicating higher effort. However, the specific scale and wording can vary depending on the organization's preferences and the context of the interaction being evaluated. When to use: to evaluate usability, higher levels of effort required might indicate potential usability issues that need to be addressed; to identify tasks that cause high levels of user frustration or abandonment and work on streamlining those processes; over time, tracking UES scores could help track the impact of design changes and updates on the user experience.

Example of CSAT from Apple

User Feedback and Reviews:

Feedback from users includes their comments, opinions, suggestions, and criticisms of a product or service. This feedback can be collected through various channels such as surveys, feedback forms, user testing sessions, customer support interactions, and social media. Reviews, on the other hand, are a more organized form of user feedback, often available on public platforms such as e-commerce websites, app stores, review websites, and social media. Reviews generally involve users giving a rating (such as a star rating) and providing written feedback about their experience with a product, service, or business. When to use: to identify areas for improvement; to find and fix any kind of bugs or problems; to get to know users’ needs and find ideas for new features and improvements; to assess and manage the company’s credibility; to assess the quality of a product/service.

Example of CSAT from Apple

Net Promoter Score:

Some love it, some hate it :). Personally, I’m not a big fan, but if you don’t collect much information on your users it is better than nothing. However, I would always follow it with some more in-depth questions and explanations to get to the root of the problem, as NPS results can often be biased. But what is NPS? A Net Promoter Score is a survey that highlights customer loyalty and the potential for word-of-mouth recommendations. It’s a simple question: How likely are you to recommend a product or service on a scale from 0 to 10? Based on the responses, you would divide customers into three groups:

Promoters: everyone who answered 9 or 10. Passives: people who picked 7 or 8. Detractors: all respondents with scores from 0 to 6. When to use: to identify areas for improvement; to check users’ loyalty; to benchmark with other companies; in combination with other metrics.

Example of CSAT from Apple

Customer Retention Rate:

Customer retention Rate is a metric that measures the percentage of customers a business is able to retain over a specific period of time. It reflects the ability of a company to keep its existing customers engaged and satisfied, rather than losing them to churn (customer attrition). Retention Rate is a vital indicator of customer loyalty and the effectiveness of a company's efforts to maintain a strong customer base. The formula to calculate the Customer Retention Rate is as follows: Customer Retention Rate = ((Customers at the End of the Period - New Customers Acquired) / Customers at the Start of the Period) * 100 When to use: in conjunction with other usability metrics and qualitative feedback to gain a comprehensive understanding; to compare different periods or segments to understand trends; to assess customer loyalty; to check adoption when launching a new product; to compare different user segments of service/product; to identify issues.

Example of retention rate from Fayrix

Churn Rate:

This metric measures the rate at which customers stop using a product, service, or subscription over a specific period of time. It indicates the percentage of customers who have discontinued their relationship with your business within that time frame. Churn Rate is crucial for understanding customer retention and the health of your customer base. The formula to calculate Churn Rate is as follows: Churn Rate = (Number of Customers Lost during Period / Total Number of Customers at the Start of Period) * 100

Churn Rate is a critical metric for subscription-based businesses, software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies, and any business with a recurring revenue model. It helps businesses understand the effectiveness of their customer retention efforts and guides strategies to improve customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty. When to use: It’s particularly relevant for businesses that offer subscription-based products or services; to assess customer attrition and identify areas for improvement; to compare different time periods, customer segments, subscription tiers, or geographic regions to understand variations in customer attrition; again for launching a new product to assess it’s adoption; to build retention strategies.

Example of churn from

Six Key Metrics for User Engagement

Session Duration:

Session Duration, also referred to as Time on Page or Time on Site, is a web analytics metric that measures the length of time a user spends actively interacting with a website or application during a single session. A session refers to a continuous period of user activity on a website, which typically starts when a user accesses a page and ends when they leave or become inactive for a certain period (usually around 30 minutes of inactivity). Session Duration offers insights into the level of engagement and value that users find in your content or application. It's important to note that Session Duration doesn't measure the precise amount of time a user spends on a page. Instead, it calculates the time difference between the timestamp when a user accesses a page and the timestamp when they either move to another page or become inactive. Session Duration is just one of many web analytics metrics that aid in understanding user behaviour, optimising content, and enhancing user experience. It's valuable for assessing the effectiveness of your content in keeping users engaged and provides opportunities for analysing and improving user interaction patterns.

Google Analytics example

Bounce Rate:

Bounce Rate is a metric that measures the percentage of visitors who navigate to a page and then leave without interacting with any other content on that site during their session. In other words, a "bounce" occurs when a user enters a site and exits without visiting any other pages or taking any actions, such as clicking links or submitting forms, on that site. The formula to calculate Bounce Rate is: Bounce Rate = (Number of Single-Page Sessions / Total Number of Sessions) * 100 Remember that Bounce Rate is just one metric among many that provide insights into user behaviour and engagement. It's important to analyse Bounce Rate alongside other metrics, such as Session Duration, Conversion Rate, and Exit Pages, to get a more complete understanding of how users interact with your website and where improvements can be made.

Google Analytics example

Daily/Weekly/Monthly Active Users: Daily Active Users: It refers to the number of unique users who interact with a product, service, or application on a given day. It represents the count of users who have engaged with the offering at least once within a 24-hour period. DAU is often used to gauge the product's daily popularity and to understand the frequency with which users return to use it. Weekly Active Users: WAU represents the number of unique users who interact with a product, service, or application within a seven-day period, typically starting from the beginning of the week (e.g., Monday) and ending at the end of the week (e.g., Sunday). It provides insights into user engagement over a slightly longer time frame and helps to identify trends in usage patterns that might not be apparent on a daily basis. Monthly Active Users: MAU refers to the number of unique users who engage with a product, service, or application in a given month. Tracking monthly active users is especially valuable in predicting customer churn and addressing potential issues proactively. All of those metrics provide valuable insights into user behaviour and engagement, they allow to proactively react before losing users, helping businesses make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, and user experience improvements. These metrics are commonly used in the context of digital platforms such as mobile apps, social media, online games, and software services.

Google Analytics example

Click-Through Rate:

Click-through rate is a metric commonly used in digital marketing and advertising to measure the effectiveness of a specific campaign, advertisement, or link in generating user engagement. CTR indicates the percentage of people who click on a specific link, advertisement or call to action after being exposed to it. It helps assess how well an element or message is capturing the attention and interest of the audience. The formula to calculate Click-Through Rate is: CTR = (Number of Clicks / Number of Impressions) * 100 Click-through rate is a valuable metric for assessing the initial impact and engagement of your content or advertisements. It's widely used in online advertising campaigns, email marketing, search engine marketing, and other digital marketing initiatives to gauge the effectiveness of messages and designs in encouraging users to take action.

Google Analytics example

Feature Adoption Rate:

Feature Adoption Rate is a metric that measures the percentage of users who have successfully adopted and started using a new feature or functionality within a product, service, or application. It provides insights into how well users are embracing and engaging with newly introduced features and whether those features are meeting user needs and expectations. The formula to calculate Feature Adoption Rate is: Feature Adoption Rate = (Number of Users Who Adopted the Feature / Total Number of Users) * 100 Feature Adoption Rate is particularly relevant for software companies, app developers, and digital product teams that regularly introduce new functionalities to their offerings. By monitoring and analysing this metric, businesses can make informed decisions about feature development, user experience enhancements, and communication strategies to drive higher rates of adoption and better meet user needs

Gainsight feature adoption panel

Social Shares and Interactions:

Social Shares and Interactions are important metrics in social media marketing that help measure the engagement, reach, and impact of your content on social media platforms. These metrics provide insights into how effectively your content resonates with your audience and how it's being shared and interacted with by users. Social Shares: Social Shares refer to the number of times your content, such as a post, article, image, or video, is shared by users on social media platforms. Shares amplify your content's reach beyond your immediate audience by exposing it to the networks of those who share it. Interactions: Interactions encompass a broader range of user engagement with your content on social media platforms. Interactions include actions like likes, comments, shares, retweets, reactions, and clicks on links. They provide a comprehensive view of how users are engaging with your content beyond simple sharing. Social Shares and Interactions are essential metrics for assessing the success of your social media campaigns and content strategies. They help you gauge how well you're connecting with your audience, creating shareable and engaging content, and leveraging the potential of social media to expand your brand's reach and influence.

Medium Social Shares options

Positive Outcomes of Measuring Engagement and Satisfaction

“85% of customer churn due to poor service was preventable.”

Tracking user engagement and satisfaction provides valuable insights for businesses to develop user-focused products and thrive. By monitoring and enhancing engagement, users are more likely to form a strong connection with your brand. Additionally, improving user satisfaction results in increased customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and sustained growth.

Understanding the key to retention and growth is satisfaction and engagement, Slack designed its product to be user-friendly, enjoyable, and customisable. They incorporated features to enhance the user experience and productivity. Moreover, they established a community of users and advocates who shared feedback, tips, and stories on social media, blogs, and forums. They incentivised referrals and word-of-mouth marketing by offering discounts and rewards.

To achieve a successful UX strategy, it's crucial to comprehend the complex relationship between user engagement and satisfaction. By carefully measuring and analysing these metrics, businesses can customise their offerings to cater to user requirements, creating a strong bond and ensuring lasting success. It's important to remember that the numbers alone don't suffice; it's necessary to comprehend the narratives they convey and leverage them to design experiences that users adore and value.


If you want to learn about measuring satisfaction and engagement read the articles below.


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